2 GBP/AED Yearly Averages Vs Highest/Lowest Rates. Currency rate charts are rarely flat. They are volatile which means there will be swings. Below section aims to give you a feel of how highest and lowest rates of GBP/AED pair deviated (swung away) from the annual averages.
This is the Hungarian Forint (HUF) to Swedish Krona (SEK) exchange rate history summary page, This currency chart show daily and hourly average rate.
Get live mid-market exchange rates, historical rates and data & currency charts for AED to CHF with Xe's free Currency Converter. The rates are provided by Thomson Reuters and converted into AED by the Central Bank of UAE. These rates are updated Monday to Friday and are based on FX rates prevailing at 6pm UAE time each day. In instances where specific markets are closed due to local holiday, then the relevant rate will be the prevailing rate of the previous day at 6pm. This page shows the exchange rate of UAE Dirham (AED) To Egyptian Pound (EGP) on 31 Dec 2019 (31/12/2019).If you would like to view the current exchange rate of the currency pair, please visit UAE Dirham (AED) To Egyptian Pound (EGP) Exchange Rates Today. Get free historical data for AED INR (UAE Dirham Indian Rupee). You'll find the closing price, open, high, low, change and %change of the currency pair for the selected range of dates. The Average exchange rate calculation method is available for the outgoing bank transaction.
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3 Annual Avg. Rates Of AED/USD Vs Similar Currency Pairs. Now let us compare the annual average rate of AED/USD pair with few selected currency pairs. Below is a graphical comparison of the yearly rates of AED/USD pair with three similar pairs (based on rates) with AED as the base. The table given below contains the data used to plot the above View the monthly rate average for Euro to Emirati Dirham.
Aug 4.342742 – 31 days. Sep 4.331196 – 30 days.
The highest quote for this month is 4.1205 (02/01/2020) and the lowest 4.0456 ( 30/01/2020). The difference between high and low is 1.82. EUR AED average rate
Last updated: March 24, 2021 at 12:05 AM Use this easy Currency tool to quickly convert Uzbekistani som to Swedish krona. Uzbekistani som (UZS) to Swedish krona (SEK) currency exchange rates.
View over 20 years of historical exchange rate data, including yearly and monthly average rates in various currencies.
2 AED/EUR Yearly Averages Vs Highest/Lowest Rates. Currency rate charts are rarely flat. They are volatile which means there will be swings. Below section aims to give you a feel of how highest and lowest rates of AED/EUR pair deviated (swung away) from the annual averages.
€899 Euro Current tool convert USD in AUD using live average market currency rates. Use this easy tool to quickly convert Uzbekistani som as a unit of Currency. Latest daily average exchange rates. Last updated: March 24, 2021 at 12:05 AM
Use this easy Currency tool to quickly convert Uzbekistani som to Swedish krona.
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Source: free currency rates (FCR) 1 SEK = 0.43 AED at the rate on 2021-04-10.
Units of Foreign Currencies per Australian Dollar; 09 Apr 2021 12 Apr 2021 13 Apr 2021; United States dollar: 0.7614: 0.7605: 0.7604: Chinese
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The exchange rates published on Danmarks Nationalbank's website are the prices in Danish kroner for 100 units of the foreign currency. The European Central Bank (ECB) conducts a daily concertation procedure at 14:15, at which time 32 exchange rates are agreed among a number of central banks.
Average exchange rate in 2020: 0.0954 EUR. Worst exchange rate: 0.0893 EUR on 18 Mar 2020. Best exchange rate: 0.7339 DKK on 01 Jan 2019. Average exchange rate in 2019: 0.7056 DKK. Worst exchange rate: 0.6836 DKK on 09 Oct 2019. 1000 UZS to AED. 0,3510 UAE Dirham.